NOAA Proposal to Close West Side of San Juan to Kayakers
In the below information please understand that KAYAKS are included in the no-go zone! Please make a public comment to NOAA. NOAA states that public comments can have a major effect on the decisions made in this process. There is a limited time period of 90 Day for comment. You do not have to be a resident to make a comment. Please comment now. NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) recently released a proposal on Vessel Regulation in the presence Killer Whales in the San Juan Island region. In the proposal they have set a closure zone that would prohibit most vessels (power, human power or sail) from entering the area. Exception Vessels will include Treaty Vessels engaged in commercial fishing, research vessels, government vessels, cargo and rescue vessels and private land owners with beach property in the closure zone. The proposed regulations would prohibit vessels from entering a no-go zone along the west side of San Juan Island. The area wou...