Mountain Bike Chiang Mai Thailand
Last year I traveled with my good friend Colin Blevins to Chiang Mai Thailand. We had one goal in mind, find fast and fun single track. What we found was a thriving local bike community, great food and the single track we were hoping for. Early in the year Colin and I started riding together frequently and Colin would mention the idea of heading back to Thailand to find more single track to ride. Colin has been traveling in Thailand for the last several years and had a bit of experience with some of the trails. On many of our rides I would just toss out that I was in for the adventure myself. Not sure if either one of us was taking me seriously. Well my kayak season was nearing its end and it was time to make it happen or not. I figured it out and bought a plane ticket. It felt a little head first since I have never flow anywhere with my bike before. But Colin had a good plan and I was confident. So we both purchased flights via Korean Ai...