Snow, Sunshine and Friday Harbor Turns 100 Years Old.
To catch everyone up with the last couple day I will compress it all in one post. But as usual not much is really happening on San Juan Island right now.

Three days ago there wast he 100th celebration of the town of Friday Harbor. There was cake, clowns and donkeys. Not sure why, but I guess the kids enjoyed it. The Fire House was cooking food and had band. There was a beard contest, so there were some pretty awesome sights. I did not hang around long, but it was fun to see everyone out enjoying themselves.
Yesterday I woke up to snow! I was not really expecting snow, but is was coming down. The flakes were huge. It did not stick to the ground really and eventually turned to rain. The day stayed cold and I hibernated inside. So it was a really slow day.
Today the sunshine returned to the island and it was nice outside. I woke up early to have breakfast with a good friend, which was nice to catch up on how things have been going. After that I was to help out another friend with moving a heavy package and spent some nice time afterward having coffee. Yeap I know, its a rough life. The day was too nice to sit in the house so I took off with Guinness for a run. I hit the same area I usually run, but took a different route to add distance. Though distance was really not what I was looking to increase. It was time outside I wanted more of. I was an amazing day with blue skies mixed with puffy white clouds. Very little wind and the water conditions were calm. As I was headed back to my car I enjoyed the sight of a Red Tailed Hawk soaring over the tall grass. As I got a little further along there was a Northern Harrier buzzing along the treeline. I actually saw a second Red Tailed Hawk perched high in a fir tree. I wanted to get close to get a picture. But with its keen eyesight, I stood no chance. I reached the trail head the run had charged my inner being. I was full of energy and and my mind was crisp and clear. It was another beautiful moment on San Juan Island.
Here are a few photos from the past few days.

This image is from Feb 9th. I was walking to town and this cloud was just perfect. Not sure why I was so intrigued, but I had to get a picture.

Feb 9th as well. This is a view of the harbor and you can see the same awesome cloud in the distance.

Today I ran down to the Thrid Lagoon. This picture is of Griffin Bay and blue skies.

I made my way from the Third Lagoon to an area known as Cape San Juan. I crossed over to the Cattle Point Lighthouse. As I may made way I stopped to enjoy the distant view of Vancouver Island.

Making my way back to the top of the hill I stopped to view back toward the Cattle Point Lighthouse. Truly a beautiful day.
Well with out adding the daily grind details such as taxes and laundry, this is what have been up to. I hope everyone is enjoying their days as well.
Thanks for stopping by and checking in on my view of the beautiful San Juan Islands of Washington State.