Spring is Back on San Juan Island
If you look at my pictures from yesterday you will see snow. Today you will see blue sky and no snow. Oh how fast the weather can change.

I ended up going out to check on the Red Tailed Hawks (RTH) and seeing what they were up to. It was lots of fun I got to see the pair RTH1 and RTH2. They were doing some pretty nice high soaring. After awhile RTH2 went somewhere and RTH1 stayed back to provide nice entertainment. RTH1 was gliding into vertical stall and flipping back over into a steep drop. It was lots of fun. Then RTH1 would dive steeply out of sight in to the trees.
Heading further down the Rufous morph was perched in a nice shrub and was I think is its mate was near by in a tree. I have not had much time to view the pair. The Rufous is pretty easy to id and today I was able to get good views of the possible mate. It has a few white feather on the back of the head that really stick out. This will help id it when it is perched.
Got a nice view of a fox just sitting in the sun. It seemed to no really care when I was there taking pictures. The fox seem to get a lot of human handouts in that area and have lost any fear they had of humans.
I pretty much took it easy today and spent most of it outside looking at the wonderful hawks and enjoying the scenery.
ANYWAY, here are few images.

As you can see today was much different than yesterday!

Rough day for the fox. I mean laying around with no worries in the warm sun. Thats got to be rough.

Here is the new RTH if you enlarge the image you can see the few white feather on the back of the head. Image was taken through a scope, not the best quality.

Here is RTH1. Image taken through the scope as well.
Hope everyone is having a great day!