3 Day Kayak Tour
Last weekend I was out guiding a 3 day kayak tour. I took one of our new guides along for training. It was a nice small group of 4 people. It was really a great trip despite the rain.
The first day was a nice long paddle day as we made our way to Jones Island to set camp. Soon after arriving at Jones Island the wind picked up and we were all happy that we were off the water. Katie and I set camp and started working on dinner prep. The guest took off for a nice hike around the island. Even with the winds the evening was amazing. Off the bed early to avoid the chill of the wind and get a bit of rest after a long day.
Day two, Katie and I were up early and the guest got up slowly at their own pace. The day was shaping up to be beautiful. The sun was bright and the temps were warm. The day had little tide exchange so the water was really flat. We made our way across San Juan Channel towards Spieden Island. Once we reached the north shore of the island we slowly moved though amazing kelp beds. We then headed over the the Cactus Islands. Wonderful current moves around the Cactus Islands with waving kelp at the surface of the water. Eventually we ended the day on Stuart Island. Once of my favorite islands to visit. I usually do not go to Stuart because it get so much use, but the season has been slow so I figured we would be safe from the masses.
We ended day two with a hike to Turn Point on Stuart Island. This is truly one of the best places to catch the sunset in the islands. Not only did we get to see the sunset we go to see Orcas from the bluff as well. It was a great end to the day.
Day three we were revisited by the rain. Though we had a day of rain the day was really nice. We took off early in the morning and headed off to San Juan County Park. On the way we had two Orcas pass by.
The trip was a great trip. It is always fun to be on the water with great people sharing a kayak experience on the island.